
Spreadsheet files can be imported directly into ControlBoard®. To import, Go to Admin > Import. Either choose an existing batch or create a new one. Upload your file, which must be in comma-delimited (.csv) format. Excel spreadsheets can easily be saved in this format. Then hit apply. ControlBoard® will try to run the import, and either the results will be displayed when it completes.

Here they are:

Job Costs
Job Activities
Time Entries

Cost Codes

Import Service for Windows

Batches can be run in two modes, Overwrite on or off. When Overwrite is off, only new items will be imported. If an item in the sheet is already in ControlBoard, it will be skipped. When Overwrite is on, it's the opposite: only items already in ControlBoard will be changed, and new items will be skipped. When overwriting, each property in the sheet will be overwritten with the sheet's value. Any properties not included in the sheet will not be changed. If you wish to overwrite only one or two properties, simply remove all other columns from the sheet before uploading it.

When overwriting, the usual required properties are no longer required; for example, you can import equipment or employees without supplying resource types, since those already exist. However, you will always have to include an identifying column, usually name or account code, but sometimes something else, depending on the type of object being imported. The templates include detailed instructions about what's required.

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