New Features 4/14/2024

April 14, 2024
  • The scheduling toolbar, available from the Job, Crew, and Resource schedule screens, now features a Resolve Conflicts button (the calendar with the X) which resolves resource conflicts in bulk automatically.
  • Scheduled Job Count has been added to the metrics. It displays the number of unique jobs that have at least one item scheduled in the given time range.
  • A new Job Cost Summary report, available from the Accounting menu, sums the job costs by job and total costs, by job cost, across all jobs.
  • The Jobs Board report now includes a link to a map with the job's location.
  • In the Allocation editor, allocation ranges can now be set by using either a date, as before, or the number of working days in the shift, which is often more convenient.
  • A new Accounting/Management user level has been introduced, at half the price of a full user license. Users at this level can edit jobs and time entries, but not the schedule.
  • It is now possible to define the structure of your crew types, through the Resource Type editor, and incorporate this structure into your planning and forecasting metrics.
  • Texting, formerly confined to the United States and Canada, is now supported for most countries in the Western Hemisphere.

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