New Features 6/25/2024

June 23, 2024
  • Graphing for metrics has been added under the View > Metrics menu. Daily, weekly, and monthly intervals can be chosen, bar and line graphs can be combined, and a wide variety of metrics are available. A good choice to get started is to try Labor Capacity as a line vs. Schd Lbr + Unfilled Lbr as a bar, as shown above.
  • Metrics now respect the filters that are set on the screen from which they are called. For example, if a particular division is chosen in the Divisions filter on the Job Schedule, the metrics shown will reflect only jobs and resources that belong to that division.
  • Display options have been vastly enhanced. It is now possible to set custom displays virtually screen by screen, in particular for the Resource Schedule and Crew Schedule.
  • A MultiLookup custom property type has been added, allowing a choice of more than one option from a defined picklist.
  • The Daily Work Order reports have been consolidated into one and enhanced.
  • The Jobs Board report now includes a link to a map with the job's location.
  • The Changes grid (Admin > Changes) now includes a Variances column, which shows exactly what has changed on any update.

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